To see if a unit is a human player type this as a ‘Condition’: isplayer Bob;


What is the damage level of a unit?

To check the damage level of a unit, type this into any ‘Condition’ field: getdammage Bob >0.7; This will trip the trigger if Bob’s damage is greater than 70%. It has a value from 0 to 1.

Arma 3 Trigger Conditions Move Object

Is unit in this vehicle?

To check to see if a unit is in a specific vehicle, use this code as a ‘Condition’: Bob in car1;

Arma 3 Radio Trigger

Check number of units in vehicle

Convert png files to pes for mac download. To make a trigger fire when a certain number of units enter car1, use this code as a trigger ‘Condition’: count crew car1 10;or use count crew car1 >2;

Distance between two objects/units

This code should be used as a condition. It will compare the distance between two objects and trip the trigger if it equals true. Bob distance Nick < 10; So, if Bob is within 10 meters of Nick, the trigger will trip. An = may be substituted for the < to trip when Bob’s distance to Nick is equal to 10 meters.

Check the damage level of unit/object

To compare the damage level of anything, use this code in a ‘Condition’ field: getdammage Bob >0.7;In this code, 0.7 is equal to 70% damage. If Bob is over 70% injured, the trigger will trip.

Arma 3 Trigger Tutorial

Check time of day Nero 2017 platinum keygen activator download.

Adding A Trigger That Is Activated By Only The . - Arma 3

To use the time of day as a condition, use this code in a ‘Condition’ field: daytime >=12;12 is 12 hours past 0000 hrs or noon. 16 would be 1600hrs or 4pm.